Haosheng Lin

Haosheng Lin has been an HAO affiliate scientist since 2003. He is an astronomer in the Solar Physics group of the Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii.
Haosheng specializes in instrumentation for solar physics and infrared measurements of solar magnetic fields. After obtaining his PhD from Michigan State University, he worked at the National Solar Observatory in Sacramento Peak, NM, before taking up his present appointment at the University of Hawaii.
Haosheng is the PI of the Diffraction Limited Near-IR Spectro-Polarimeter (DL-NIRSP), one of the first-light instruments for the NSF-sponsored Advanced Technology Solar Telescope (ATST). He is a member of the Coronal Solar Magnetism Observatory (COSMO) consortium and was co-PI (with Thomas Zurbuchen of the University of Michigan and Steve Tomczyk) of the COSMO proposal submitted to the NSF. On his visits to Boulder he collaborates with Steve Tomczyk and members of the Instrumentation Group on new instrumentation concepts, and works with the Coronal Multichannel Polarimeter (COMP) data.