Internal Advisory Committees
Director’s Strategic Advisory Committee (DSAC)
The HAO Director’s Strategic Advisory Committee (DSAC) is an internal committee that serves as a forum for HAO Director to communicate with and get advice from the scientific, technical, and administrative leadership and management of HAO.
The DSAC consists of two standing subcommittees:
- Appointments–advises the HAO Director on scientist appointments, ladder-track scientist promotions, and project scientist reclassifications
- Reclassification–advises the HAO Director on reclassifications of technical, scientific support, and non-scientific staff
Amy Knack
Joan Burkepile
Roberto Casini
Mausumi Dikpati
Yuhong Fan
Sarah Gibson (Chair)
Holly Gilbert
Philip Judge
Hanli Liu
Gang Lu
Matthias Rempel
Tom Seving
Scott Sewell
Sheryl Shapiro (administrative support)
Mike Wiltberger
Qian Wu
*DSAC Organizational By-laws Document*
HAO Instrumentation Advisory Committee (HIAC)
This internal committee sets the priorities of the HAO Instrumentation Program and provides oversight to the Instrumentation Group. The HIAC is advisory to the HAO Director.
Joan Burkepile
Roberto Casini
Alfred de Wijn (Chair)
Amy Knack
Scott Sewell
Qian Wu
Visitor Committee
This internal committee provides oversight to the HAO Visitor Program that strives to enhance scientific and educational contacts between HAO and the national and international solar and solar-terrestrial communities. The program provides financial support for undergraduate and graduate students, post-graduate researchers, and senior visitors.
Roberto Casini (Chair)
Samaiyah Farid
Hanli Liu
Appointments Committee
The Appointments Committee advises the Director on appointments and promotions. It is made up of all the HAO Senior Scientists. The HAO Administrator and the Director's Assistant are attendees.
Roberto Casini
Mausumi Dikpati
Yuhong Fan (Chair)
Sarah Gibson
Philip Judge
Hanli Liu
Gang Lu
Matthias Rempel
Sheryl Shapiro (administrative support)
Qian Wu