Additional Educational Resources
COMET - The COMET® Program at UCAR supports, enhances, and stimulates learning about atmospheric and related sciences. UCAR's public education programs aim to increase science literacy of the nation.
NASA - NASA is committed to investing in the Nation’s education programs and supporting the country’s educators who play a key role in preparing, inspiring, exciting, encouraging, and nurturing the young minds of today who will be the workforce of tomorrow.
NSDL(The National Science Digital Library) - NSDL is serving science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education. Citizens of all ages can appreciate the atmosphere as part of the earth system, understand humans' relationship to it, and make informed choices about careers, lifestyles and public policies.
NSF (National Science Foundation, Astronomy & Space Discoveries) - NSF's public investment in science, engineering, education and technology helps to create knowledge and sustain prosperity. Read here about the Internet, microbursts, Web browsers, extrasolar planets, and more...
UCAR Center for Science Education - Citizens of all ages can appreciate the atmosphere as part of the earth system, understand humans' relationship to it, and make informed choices about careers, lifestyles and public policies. UCAR's public education programs aim to increase science educate the nation and to engage people in the wonder and relevance of science. They focus on scientific literacy, workforce development, and community engagement. Also visit: Classroom Activities Page and Teaching Boxes.
Living With a Star Institute - UCAR's Visiting Scientist Programs (VSP) heliophysics research is supported by NASA Living With a Star (LWS). Heliophysics is all of the science common to the field of the Sun-Earth connections and the LWS program aims to develop an integrated strategic mission plan and a comprehensive research program that encompasses all branches of solar, heliospheric, and space physics.