Silvano Fineschi

Silvano Fineschi is an affiliate scientist in the High Altitude Observatory for the National Center for Atmospheric Research. He is currently a scientist at the Observatory of Turin. The Osservatorio Astronomico di Torino is an astronomical observatory owned and operated by Italy's National Institute for Astrophysics, (INAF). It is located on the top of a hill in the town of Pino Torinese in Italy, and was founded in 1759.
Dr. Fineschi has more than 20 years of experience in the development and operation of space instrumentation for spectroscopy and polarimetry in the visible and UV wavelength bands. His scientific interests include the application of atomic spectroscopy and polarimetry to UV and visible-light remote-sensing techniques for the study of the solar wind and the coronal magnetic field. He has been involved in several solar space missions of NASA and ESA (SMM, Spartan/Space-Shuttle, SOHO, Solar Orbiter), sounding-rocket solar experiments (SCORE), and eclipse campaigns. He is currently the Project Scientist for the METIS coronagraph on the Solar Orbiter mission and the Principal Investigator of the sounding-rocket coronagraphic experiment (SCORE) for the sub-orbital re-flight of the HERSCHEL payload.