The Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Upgraded Coronal Multi-Channel Polarimeter (UCoMP) coronagraph science data (version 1.0.1) have now been released to the community via the Mauna Loa web page.
Sample of UCoMP data on the MLSO website.
These data cover the period from July 18, 2021 through Nov 9, 2022. UCoMP observes the solar corona from 1.04 to ~2 solar radii in 9 coronal emission lines. Data have been released for 5 coronal emission lines: FeXIII 1074.7 and 1079.8 nm; FeXI 789.4 nm; FeX 637.4 nm; and FeXV 706.2 nm. Science products are in fits format and include: Level 1 observations of Stokes I, Q, U, and V at multiple wavelengths across each emission line; Level 2 products: Intensity [center wavelength, enhanced and peak]; line-of-sight Doppler velocity; FWHM Line Width; weighted average Stokes I, Q, U, V and linear polarization; plane-of-sky magnetic field azimuth and radial azimuth; and a noise mask. Quicklook images and movies are also provided.
The UCoMP Data User Guide is provided with every fits tar download and quicklook zip download. Please see the user guide for more information.
This is the first release of the data and some problems remain. The most significant are stray light, wavelength tuning drift and image alignment. The stray light and wavelength drift impact the line width and Doppler images. We are working to solve these issues for the next release in 2024. The guide includes the link to the GitHub system where you can read details about all UCoMP issues.
Please report any problems or questions about UCoMP data to