CEDAR participants attending the banquet dinner.
Alexa J. Halford, Michael W. Liemohn, Christopher M. Bard, Astrid Maute, Ryan M. McGranaghan, Lynn B. Wilson III
A large number of heliophysicists from across career levels, institution types, and job titles came together to support the position papers titled ”Cultivating a culture of inclusivity in Heliophysics", ”The Importance of Policies: It’s not just a pipeline problem,” and ”Mentorship within Heliophysics.” While writing these position papers, the number of people who privately shared terrifying stories and experiences of bullying and harassment was insane. The number of people who privately expressed how burned out they are was staggering. The number of people who privately spoke about how they considered leaving the field for their and their family’s health was astounding. And for as much good there is in our community, it is still a toxic environment for many. And if we don’t do something now, our field will continue to suffer. Help us have a way to hold bad actors accountable. Help us find a way to remove the constant anxiety about funding and financial security. Help remove constant deadlines and constant last-minute requests. Help us not end up having a community that is hyper-competitive but instead be more collaborative. Help us develop and apply methods to make our community not just a place where people work to survive but a place where they can thrive as a whole person. Help us not have to give up our entire lives to succeed.