Astronomy & Astrophysics: As solar cycle (SC) 25 approaches its peak, a number of significant (X-class) flares have been produced. Here, we investigate the circumstances under which two of the most flare-prolific active regions of solar cycle 25, namely ARs 13590 and 13514, flared. Two aspects of the evolution of these active regions are investigated: the global-scale magnetic toroid configuration and small-scale magnetic field morphology and topology, prior, during and after the onset of major flares.
All active regions numbered by NOAA are spotted and marked on 21st February 2024 synoptic map constructed from SDO/HMI daily fits files. The double-arrowed top bar indicates which active regions are on the front side. Here, active regions resulting in X-class Flares are highlighted in red, while active regions resulting in M-class flares are highlighted in orange. Blue and red curves represent, respectively, the Northern and Southern Hemisphere magnetic toroid.