Why do we still have a coronal heating problem?

When (times in MT)
Wed, Feb 28 2024, 2pm - 1 hour
Event Type
Phil Judge
Building & Room
CG1-2139 Capt. Mary & Virtual

Sometimes in a mature research field, there is  a need to step back and re-assess some fundamental facts.  I will discuss the "coronal heating problem'' from its recognition in 1943 to the present day, from the viewpoint of a naive student of physics keen to understand why this has, apparently, not yet been solved.  The wide-ranging scope will include our motivations, our philosophical approaches, methodologies, challenges, and "solutions'' in the context of the "business," politics and pressures facing new researchers in this area.  The importance of choosing interesting yet tractable questions based firmly upon the basic physics of magnetized fluids and plasmas is emphasized, and some weaknesses in modern research methods are identified.  Some more productive approaches are advocated for, highlighting  the necessity of seeking and publishing negative results.  Some examples of model refutation through  recent work done during a sabbatical at the University of Bern will be presented.  

About the Speaker

Part 2 Q&A video link

Phil Judge is a Senior Scientist in the High Altitude Observatory at the National Center for Atmospheric Research specializing in energy transport and dissipation in the Sun's atmosphere, remote sensing, diagnosis of plasmas, spectropolarimetry, solar magnetic fields, and solar-stellar activity.

From England, he obtained a D. Phil. degree in astrophysics in 1985 from Oxford University. He is a husband, father, cancer survivor, amateur astronomer, part-time opera singer.