HAO is leading the effort through the Whole Heliosphere and Planetary Interactions (WHPI) initiative to support the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse by providing a platform for gathering information on ongoing eclipse activities. The WHPI Eclipse Campaign website aims to be a one-stop repository for existing or ongoing eclipse efforts.
The Total Solar Eclipse on April 8, 2024 offers ideal conditions for eclipse science, unique opportunities for cross-disciplinary collaborations, and an excellent occasion for public engagement. HAO is leading the effort through the Whole Heliosphere and Planetary Interactions (WHPI) initiative to support the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse by providing a platform for gathering information on ongoing eclipse activities. The WHPI Eclipse Campaign website aims to be a one-stop repository for existing or ongoing eclipse efforts. We welcome any and all contributions, no effort is too small! Please contact us at whpi_help@hao.ucar.edu if you have any questions or would like to be included.
The repository is currently:
- Linking to model prediction outputs of what to expect on the eclipse day;
- Providing information on planned dedicated observations by ground and space-based assets that will pursue and support eclipse science;
- Compiling a list of eclipse science experiments that will be deployed on or flown into the eclipse path;
- Providing information on Citizen Science projects those interested can join in;
- Listing planned outreach and public engagement efforts.
We hope our repository will promote interactions between the different efforts and foster collaboration across disciplines. We wish everyone a clear sky and happy observing of the eclipse!