HAO News

HAO News

The Sun: Myths and Magnetism

Watch the BBC's Interview with Philip Judge—The Sun: Myths and Magnetism

This upcoming BBC news broadcast includes commentary from HAO's Phil Judge & Claire Raftery at NSO is titled The Sun: Myths and Magnetism. We provide you with options for viewing.

Sarah Gibson smiling

Sarah Gibson is a 2022 AGU Fellow

HAO is absolutely thrilled to announce that our very own Sarah Gibson has become an AGU Fellow in the 2022 class as just released on 19 September by EOS Science News! Please join us in congratulating her on a well-deserved recognition of an impactful and successful career. 

Mapping eastward & westward plasma flows

EOS Special Highlight Editors Feature Dr. Dong Lin's Recent AGU Article

Dr. Dong Lin's research article titled “Origin of Dawnside Subauroral Polarization Streams During Major Geomagnetic Storms,” was featured this month as an EOS Editor's Highlight. Fewer than 2 percent of papers are highlighted in this way.

Smiling group of Spectropolarimetry school students and lecturers taken on the outdoor patio at Center Green 1 building.

2nd Successful Spectropolarimetry School

The High Altitude Observatory and the National Solar Observatory organized their second successful Spectropolarimetry School in Boulder, Colorado. This two-week school presented an overview of the field of solar spectropolarimetry and its use for observing the Sun. 

Students and lecturers assembled together outdoors at the Embassy Suites patio area

2022 Space Weather Summer School

HAO held the latest in a series of successful Space Weather Summer Schools in Boulder, Colorado during the last 2 weeks of July. This unique educational workshop brought together 31 students mainly from the United States along with two students from abroad.

Jack Eddy

3rd Eddy Cross Disciplinary Symposium 2022

The aim of the third Eddy Symposium is to bring scientists (both early-career and more senior) together, from diverse disciplines, to help define the next decade of helio-physical research, including its implications for planetary and astrophysical objects.

Center for Geospace Storms: Transforming the understanding and predictability of space weather

The Multiscale Atmosphere-Geospace Environment (MAGE) model

NCAR is a leading partner in the development of a model simulation that will transform scientists’ ability to model the impacts of space weather storms, which can disrupt radio communications, damage satellites, endanger astronauts, and down electrical grids. 

Cover of "Pathways to Discovery in Astronomy and Astrophysics for the 2020s"

Astro2020 calls out global coronal magnetic measurements as requiring investment

The recent Decadal Survey in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pathways to Discovery in Astronomy and Astrophysics for the 2020s stated goals that would be supported by COSMO observations.

UCoMP mounted on MLSO spar

UCoMP Instrument Nearing Science Mission Phase

The Upgraded Coronal Multi-Channel Polarimeter (UCoMP) coronagraph was deployed to Mauna Loa Solar Observatory in 2021.